about us


process bw

what we do

We are a small studio based practice tailoring architectural and associated design services to urban, regional and remote locations in Queensland.

Providing an holistic approach to the client brief, we understand that buildings are the containers for life experiences and human habitation. We listen carefully to provide you with thoughtful analysis of your project requirements and community needs.

Underpinning our design approach is a belief in the value of good design outcomes that are cost effective and sustainable for the whole of the building life, that engage with the community and are site specific.


capacity & capability / qualifications

Our experience delivering design and consultancy services for buildings in urban, remote and regional Queensland includes the engagement of local communities to address appropriate cultural communications and engagement strategies.

As a practice we are committed to continuing professional development to address sustainability, building performance and ethical practice methodologies central to our design philosophy.

The practice is owned and operated by Lea Lennon, the principal, and Board of Architects registered architect.  Our practice is a prequalified Architectural Consultant  to the Queensland Government.

please contact us for a full company profile



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